Passport by Trade

Kazakhstan and St Kitts & Nevis Signal Visa-Free Travel

Kazakhstan and St Kitts & Nevis Signal Visa-Free Travel

A resolution from the Kazakh government on Wednesday 20 November 2024 led to the approval of a draft agreement that removes the barriers of short-term visa requirements between Kazakhstan and the Caribbean nation of St Kitts & Nevis. The change in visa requirements enters into effect from the date the resolution is signed.

In a boost to connectivity between St Kitts & Nevis and Kazakhstan, the agreed protocol permits passport holders from either nation to enter, transit, stay, and exit the countries without the need to apply for a visa beforehand or to obtain a visa on arrival.

Furthermore, the agreement is valid for single and multiple entries into either nation over a 365-day period. This is so long as the total stay in the country the traveler is visiting doesn’t exceed a maximum total of 90 days within those 365 days following their first entry.

Any traveler looking to exceed the 90-day limit put on visa-free travel between Kazakhstan and St Kitts & Nevis will need to apply for a visa before travel. This does not include those with diplomatic or service passports serving a mission or consular post, who remain exempt from requiring a visa for the entire duration of their posting.

Kazakhstan’s government resolution follows the signing of a visa-waiver agreement at the end of January 2024 between Kazakhstan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Mr. Akan Rakhmetullin, and the UN’s Permanent Representative from St Kitts & Nevis, Dr. Mutryce Williams.

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